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Главная » Статьи » Тексты песен » Po tebe (2005)

This world

Sometimes you hear in the latest news,
children are abused, oh, no, Lord!
Sometimes you find another war,
sometimes you feel there’s no shore
for the only boat we have.

Sometimes we need some place,
where no one has to blame
for all we have to fear of,
where no pollution has to live,
where children begin to reign!

This world is one,
we don’t have another one,
this is only place to be,
all the people have to see.

This world is one!

Sometimes you feel another door,
where the people have much more
to do for our world.

This is human factory,
children’s personality should be
the greatest faith of all.
We don’t need the Neverland,
we just need to understand this world!

This world is one,
we don’t have another one,
this is only place to be,
all the people have to see.

This world is one!

No more tears,
no more fears,
no more trouble to anyone.

This world is one,
we don’t have another one,
this is only place to be,
all the people have to see.

This world is one!

Категория: Po tebe (2005) | Добавил: Indgi (25.01.2009)
Просмотров: 476
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